Sweet, Salty and Nutty Daikon

Within 10 Min, Sweet, Salty and Nutty Daikon Dish is Ready

Daikon is the king of winter vegetables. And it's sweet, juicy, and less spicier than other radishes. 

When I was a kid, one favorite thing to do in winter was going to my grandma's yard, pick up a few daikon, wash and scrub off the dirt and make it shiny clean white Daikon. It's good to have in a hot pot. But also this stir fried and simmered way is another savory kind to enjoy. 

Servings: 4-5

Time: 10 min


1 pc small-mid Daikon

2 tbsp each Soy sauce, Sugar, Mirin

Sesame oil

Sesame seeds


1. Cut Daikon into quarter round shapes

2. In a heated pan, add the daikon and sesame oil to stir fry for 1-2 min

3. Add soy sauce, sugar, and mirin and simmer for 3-4 min

4. Grind roasted sesame seeds, add it to Daikon
